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White Balance Pictures+Write Up


When I took my white balance pictures I took seven pictures of a friend and seven pictures of a pencil on a desk. When I was taking these pictures I thought it was really cool how the picture would either be normal, have a bluish tint to them, or a red or orange color to them. Now that I know how to use white balance I think it will be very helpful when I take pictures in the future to make them look as natural as possible. I also like how when you are using white balance you can take the same picture over and over again but each time it will turn out different if you use a different white balance or color balance setting. In conclusion I think I will be using white balance in the future to help my pictures look the best they can be.

AutoIncandescentFlorescentDirect SunlightFlashCloudyShadeAutoIncandescentFlorescentDirect SunlightFlashCloudyShade

PSA Poster: Global Water Crisis

PSA Poster Answers: Child Abuse Poster


            The Story of this poster is that child abuse affects the life of the abused throughout their whole life. The beginning text shows facts about how many children are abused but the last quote shows emotion to how it affects the child’s life.


            The audience could be fathers, mothers, pregnant women, adults, brothers, or sisters. The reason I think this is for this audience is because it could warn them to either stop abusing their child or not to abuse their child.


            The message of this piece is that abusing a child can affect their whole life, not only ruining their childhood but make it so they can’t live their life to their fullest.


            The style for this is kind of dark and sad. The pictures look real and are of children that are scared. They used facts and numbers of how many children are abused. The visuals and faded but clear which work very well with the background and text. There are no distractions on this piece, everything works very well on it. The visuals help show that the children are scared and that helps show the message. Also, the pictures are affective by maybe an abusive parent or relative will read this and see the pictures and they may help them to stop abusing their child.

Windows Activity

Shadow Photos

Shadow Example Photos

Direction of Light

Flash Photography


Flash photography is photography in which a flashbulb or electronic flash is used to provide momentary illumination of a dark or insufficiently lit subject or photography using a momentary flash of artificial light as a source of illumination. Flash photography is important for photography because if you are taking pictures outdoors on a sunny day then there tends to be unattractive shadows, so you use the flash to fill those shadows with light to make the picture more attractive. Also, the flash can add more definition to a subject to make it more appealing. When you are taking pictures you want to be careful when you use flash because although it can add definition to a subject, it can also take away definition and make the picture too bright. You should use flash photography when your subject is facing away from the sun giving it unappealing shadows or when it is dark and you are unable to see the subject so you use the flash to light the subject up. Also when using flash photography you have to make sure that the subject is not too far away or too close because then the subject will either be too lit up or not at all lit up.

Photoshop Tutorial

Fill Flash