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PSA Poster Answers: Child Abuse Poster

November 28, 2011


            The Story of this poster is that child abuse affects the life of the abused throughout their whole life. The beginning text shows facts about how many children are abused but the last quote shows emotion to how it affects the child’s life.


            The audience could be fathers, mothers, pregnant women, adults, brothers, or sisters. The reason I think this is for this audience is because it could warn them to either stop abusing their child or not to abuse their child.


            The message of this piece is that abusing a child can affect their whole life, not only ruining their childhood but make it so they can’t live their life to their fullest.


            The style for this is kind of dark and sad. The pictures look real and are of children that are scared. They used facts and numbers of how many children are abused. The visuals and faded but clear which work very well with the background and text. There are no distractions on this piece, everything works very well on it. The visuals help show that the children are scared and that helps show the message. Also, the pictures are affective by maybe an abusive parent or relative will read this and see the pictures and they may help them to stop abusing their child.

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