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White Balance Pictures+Write Up

December 7, 2011


When I took my white balance pictures I took seven pictures of a friend and seven pictures of a pencil on a desk. When I was taking these pictures I thought it was really cool how the picture would either be normal, have a bluish tint to them, or a red or orange color to them. Now that I know how to use white balance I think it will be very helpful when I take pictures in the future to make them look as natural as possible. I also like how when you are using white balance you can take the same picture over and over again but each time it will turn out different if you use a different white balance or color balance setting. In conclusion I think I will be using white balance in the future to help my pictures look the best they can be.

AutoIncandescentFlorescentDirect SunlightFlashCloudyShadeAutoIncandescentFlorescentDirect SunlightFlashCloudyShade

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